martha rogers 2024-2025

By | March 10, 2023

martha rogers 2024-2025

martha rogers 2024-2025

martha rogers 2024-2025

There are a lot of people who think that a person and their environment are inseparable. This means that a patient cannot be removed from their surroundings when discussing health and treatment. A nurse can apply Martha E. Rogers’s Science of Unitary Human Beings to treat patients and assist them in the process of change toward better health if they practice nursing with this perspective of the coexistence of the human and his or her environment.

Biography of Martha E. Rogers

  • In Dallas, Texas, Martha E. Rogers was born in 1914. She accepted her nursing recognition from the Knoxville General Clinic School of Nursing in 1936, then, at that point, acquired her General Wellbeing Nursing degree from George Peabody School in Tennessee in 1937. Her Graduate degree was from Educators School at Columbia College in 1945, and her Doctorate in Nursing was acquired at from Johns Hopkins College in Baltimore in 1954. He passed away on March 13, 1994.

Career of Martha E. Rogers

  • Rogers was a professor at the School of Nursing at New York University. She was also an American Academy of Nursing Fellow. Some of her works include: Theoretical Foundations of Nursing, Nursing Science and Art, 1970: A Planned (1988),Nursing: Vision of Space-Based Nursing and Science of Unitary, Irreducible, Human Beings Update (1990)

Martha E. Rogers’ Contribution to Nursing Theory: Science of Unitary Human Beings

Patients are regarded as “unitary human beings,” which means that they must be viewed as a whole rather than as individual parts. Patients can knowingly participate in the change process, according to Rogers’ model. In addition, the environment cannot be changed and coexists with human beings as a whole. Humans are seen as part of the universe in this model. That is, the patient and the environment around him or her are one.

Health, according to Rogers, was “an expression of the life process.” As a result, health and illness are intertwined, and the patient’s life events demonstrate how well they are functioning at their full potential.

The patient’s life cycle can be summarized in three main ways: openness, energy field, pattern, and multidimensionality. The fundamental unit of everything, both living and nonliving, is the energy field. It continuously changes in intensity, density, and extent, making it possible to view the patient and the environment as a whole. The term “openness” refers to the ongoing exchange of energies between the human and natural worlds. That is, there are no limits that block the progression of energy between fields. An energy field that can be seen as a single wave has a distinctive pattern. It’s just an abstraction that gives the field its identity. A domain with no spatial or temporal attributes is called pan dimensionality.

There are two dimensions to nursing as a unitary human science: the knowledge gained through scientific research that is specific to the field of nursing is known as the science of nursing. and the art of nursing, which involves creatively utilizing the science of nursing to improve the patient’s life.

The nurse’s job in this model is to help people. In addition, Rogers suggests therapeutic touch, humor, music, meditation, guided imagery, and even the use of color as noninvasive nursing modalities. Nurses’ interventions are designed to coordinate the rhythms of the human and natural worlds, support the patient through change, and assist patients on their way to better health. The act of nursing, as indicated by Rogers, ought to be centered around torment the board, and steady psychotherapy for recovery.

When treating an injury or illness, it’s often critical to take into account the patient as a whole and their surroundings. The book “Science of Unitary Human Beings” by Martha E. Rogers talks about how the patient’s environment is an important part of the patient. This knowledge is used to help nurses combine the science and art of nursing to make sure patients recover well and get back to their best health.

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